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Lock down or locked in and getting projects done..

It’s three weeks since I closed the business! 😬.

All is well here and I hope you and your families are the same!

I don’t know about you but I have kept myself very busy indeed or I will go crazy! I am using this time to do all the jobs I’ve wanted to do but didn’t get time to do or didn’t have the energy to start- we all know how that feels.

Try and keep busy during this time. If you have children, well, I’m sure you are exhausted but stay strong looking after them, this also applies to you. As I haven’t, I have a lot of time on my hands so I have decorated my living room and conservatory which I’m pretty happy with. The porch is next then I’m thinking of doing the hall which is a huge job! I only moved into my house in December so I’m trying to make it ‘me’ now 🙂.

Always have a list and work through it each day, you feel so much better if you just complete one of the things.

Let me know if you have any questions about decluttering in the comment section below but don’t do too much, I want to keep this business 😂.

Lots of love to you all. Keep being strong!


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