Have you had a passion to do something for years but you’ve never got around to doing it, well, book something up as there are so many courses available.
A few years back, I signed up for a jewellery making course, told my friends about it and one responded excitedly “I have always wanted to be able to design and make my own jewellery”. She’s the friend that designed my logo so a very creative person. She joined me on the 8 week course with Bromley Adult Education and loved it, so she continued on more and more courses and now has her own range on sale that she does in her spare time.
I clearly wasn’t as good as Sarah so I am starting a clothes making course in April and can not wait, maybe I’ll be selling my hand made designs on here next 😂.
Look into adult education courses in your region. They are really good value for money too, my course was £87 for 8, 2 hour weekly sessions.
Fulfil that passion, you only have one life so learn more about the things you are passionate about as it could lead you down a completely different path. I used to be a sales rep in London and now have a business I am passionate about because I followed mine 😁.
Here’s a link to Sarah’s Jewellery to inspire you 😁
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